Our Last Dance…

3 min read

It’s personal.  Anybody who says it’s not personal, has nothing left to lose and are so defeated they can’t stand up for something better. You’re lying to yourself and to generations of Americans if you say there’s no point. If apathy is the only multi-syllable word you know… then try “revolution”.  In little more than 80 days, you have an opportunity. It’s every bit as important as a government coup. It’s more than an initiative or a movement… and it’s not something that requires the power of millions. Just you. It’s fucking personal. Vote. Vote like your survival depends on it. Vote like you have 2 minutes to ward off a meteor that’s about to to plummet into your child’s bedroom while she sleeps. Vote like you’re aiming a high-velocity weapon directly at a foreign terrorist about to pick off everybody that you fucking care for. Add all the dramatic effect you want to keep you motivated, but fucking vote.  Republicans win because they assume all the power is theirs. They’re arrogant… and it’s infectious. The polls were against Trump 4 years ago… remember?  Then you woke up and cried like little bitches because… holy shit… that insane orange cow fucking won!  We’ve endured 4 years of “Libtard” jokes from idiots that couldn’t even SPELL “Libtard” because it was just too many syllables! You sat there while Trump made it okay to dump toxic sludge into our rivers again, roll back environmental protections… spend your money on golfing, pick fights with world leaders, bully nations, bully our own people, cage babies, discriminate against the poor, people of color, Mexicans, the disabled… you allowed it. Yes… YOU.  YOU. FUCKING. LET. IT. HAPPEN.

It’s your move. It’s not Chess. There’s nothing complicated about it. We’re hurling towards a certain Democratic death like a fireball on steroids… and if you can’t see that this is our last dance with Democracy… then you’re willfully ignorant or morally blind. If Trump wins a 2nd term… that is a statement upon our country that cannot be rewritten by history at a later date. It is a certain indication that all bets are off…that we’re plummeting our government and its people into a deliberate state of chaos.  It’s not drama, assholes… it’s fact. The man is as mentally disturbed and unstable as he is stupid. He’s stated very clearly… he has no plan for healthcare reform… yet he wants to kill what we have right now. He doesn’t have an issue with defunding Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare… in fact… he’s stated clearly he will do it. If you’re LGBTQ, you’re fucked in a very special and unique way…no matter what your preferences are or how you identify, because this “man” hates you. We’re talking about a man who borrows a Bible that he’s never read… took a walk with his buddies to a church, teargassing everybody in his path to do it… so he could hold it up for a photo op. That’s not a president. That’s a dictator.

Are you tired of our country being motivated by hate and driven by fear?  That’s the question you need to ask yourselves. Because if he wins again… if we send the message that this is our “new normal”… rest assured… there will likely never be a “normal” election process for us again. 4 years crippled us. 4 more will kill this nation as we know it.

Our last dance with democracy begins in 80 days. Tell the deejay it better not be a fucking Waltz.

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