Life In Quarantine – It Ain’t That Complicated!

2 min read

With December upon us, it’s occurred to me that we’ve been doing this shit for roughly 9 months. If COVID was a baby, I’d be stuck changing it’s diapers by now. In all fairness… a true quarantine really hasn’t been possible. A man has to go out to grab milk and bread and sometimes even come into contact with others… it’s just not even a remote option, even in a remote area when I have no remote inclination to be social with anybody. But this is as close as it comes, really; two months in the house, no shopping, no trips to the store, followed by a day or two on the road with a mask, followed by an additional month or two inside… you get the point. Art and Wilma help us tremendously, as does online grocery shopping.

We’re all fine, more or less. Daisy being an exception, dropping weight and getting older. She’s had some bad days lately with her dementia, too. But the big concern is her stomach… which lights up like the proverbial Christmas Tree under an x-ray machine. The vet doesn’t have to tell me… I already know… but then she has her good days and she’s content and even happy and playful with Binxy… so… while I am cautiously watching what I proclaim in my heart… I do feel there’s some quality time left.

Blogs are a funny thing… they’re fucking worthless unless you have something going on to talk about. We’ve had 9 months of “I popped a zit this morning and gave my anal cavity a nice sterile cleaning with bleach”. What is there to say except that there’s not a damned thing to say?? I’ve said this before but it should be noted that, for Sharon and I, the whole “stay inside” thing really isn’t something we are upset about 90% of the time. I think it’s a psychological sore point that now it isn’t an “optional” thing. I’m pretty sure it bugs the rest of the population a great deal more. I don’t feel as if my personal liberties are being infringed upon, because I’m not a big crybaby pussy Republican moron… so… yeah, that’s a bonus.

Anyway… we’re alive and (mostly) well. I’ll be talking to y’all more before the holidays come around. Peace.

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