Hold Me Tight – Entire Session – 2023 Remix

2 min read

Hold Me Tight
Recorded 11–12 September 1963

“Hold Me Tight” was first recorded during the Please Please Me album sessions, but abandoned and re-recorded for their second album, hence the reason why George Martin announced over the intercom… “Remake… we’re calling it Take 20”. Included here are all nine takes, and the final version is an edit of the sixth and ninth takes from the second attempt, varispeeded up a semitone to F major. Both John and Paul disliked the tune and, at times, expressed their unfavorable views to the press during the 70’s.

The session tape has been digitally patched (dropouts) in a few places, re-equalized, remixed and restored to near-pristine condition. The analog source appears to be (and sounds like) a 3rd-Generation copy, which, frankly, is a fantastic way to start (less noise reduction needed) with only very slight deterioration of higher frequencies due to either age or tape wear. Frequency roll off upon recovery is well above satisfactory.  What does this all mean?  This session sounds fuckin’ great!

My 2023 Remix: 

Did I take liberties with this one?  Oh Hell yeah! I propositioned it and copped a feel before we left the bar! Ahemmm… what I mean to say is that I have ALWAYS maintained that this song was better than J&P thought.  A pet peave of mine regarding the “With The Beatles” album was that it was always the “Clap Happy” album.  Ridiculous amounts of overdubbed clapping were added to several songs recorded on the twin-track masters… more layers of hiss… just for clapping. All I ever thought this song needed was to LOSE the clapping and punch up Ringo’s kit in the mix.  So that’s what I’ve done.  It gives the song more balls and less of a “Happy Clappy Sing-A-Long” vibe.  If you’re one of those fans who hated this track, or simply dismissed it as a “throwaway” number… I strongly urge you to reconsider your view.

Stereo Image:

Vocals: 12 o’clock
Bass: 3 o’clock
Drums: 3 o’clock
Guitars: 9 o’ clock
Hand Claps (Bleh!) Stereo… 9 and 3

Download on FLAC or High Quality MP3 below:

HMT – Entire Session – FLAC

HMT – Entire Session – MP3


Hold Me Tight – Remix 2023 – FLAC

Hold Me Tight – Remix 2023 – MP3


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