Audio Salvage Podcast – At Last! In Stereo!

2 min read

Disclaimer: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for the easily butthurt.


Cliff Notes:  Giles Martin created nothing.  Peter Jackson developed nothing. Revolver wasn’t remixed for stereo in the 1980’s. Revolver wasn’t even REMASTERED in the 80’s.  Facts matter. I’m not saying I’m always right… I’m often wrong, in fact. But then again, I don’t work for the Beatles and George Martin wasn’t my daddy. If I did… and if I was… I wouldn’t be saying stupid shit and claiming it as fact. I would actually RESEARCH the projects I was remixing… (which Giles obviously never does, except when he asks Paulie… like HE’S a source of “Beatle Truth”) and, if I were him, I would KNOW those mixes in my head… instead of saying “On Revolver… all the vocals were on one side and the instruments on the other” and “it wasn’t even remixed into Stereo until the 1980’s”.

PS to the Beatles groups on Facebook: Yeah, it fucking matters! No, you’re not right for choosing to believe what you want. No, you can’t trust everything Giles, Paul, Ringo, Peter Jackson or Mark Lewisohn says… because… sometimes they’re full of shit…. and sometimes they’re simply mistaken… and sometimes they take credit for shit they didn’t even do (“We developed a way to separate instruments and vocals just for the Beatles… Peter Jackon’s team have propriatary software they created just for this purpose”… blah blah blah).

Tracks This Week: She Loves You, I’ll Get You, Love Me Do (Album and Single Versions), How Do You Do It, Please Please Me (Single PLUS unknown early take). PS I Love You.  All mixed to stereo.


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